Battle Of Baha’is

Battle Of Baha’is

Like any other Faith where division amongst their followers is natural, Bahai Faith is no exception to it. How much the Bahai leaders may claim that there is no division amongst Bahais the fact is that Baha’i Faith does have different denominations all calling them as the TRUE Faith . The fact is that in the small span of 160 years Bahai Faith has seen more divisions than any other religion.

Here is a brief treatise on the history of the division in the Bahai Faith – right from its inception, the Bab, Subhe’ Azal, Bahaullah, Abbas Effendi, Shoghi Effendi and finally till the present day Universal House of Justice.



Bahai Faith divisions : Preference

1 ) People of Bayan or Bayanis

2 ) Essence Of the Baha’i Faith

3 ) Unitarian Baha’is

4 ) Free Baha’is

5 ) Reform Baha’is

6 ) New History Society

7 ) Those who Believe In Continuation Of Guardianship

8 ) Orthodox Baha’is (followers of Joel B. Marangella)

9 ) Bahá’ís Under the Provisions of the Covenant (Jensen group, Missoula, MT)

10 ) Baha’is Loyal to the Guardian (followers of Jacques Soghomonian)

11 ) Tarbiyat Baha’is (followers of Rex King et al)

12 ) Heterodox Bahais




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